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President Ford's Visit to the Division in 1975 Remembered
Enthusiastic Event at 1st Brigade, Ayers Kaserne, Kirch Goens

For enlarged and complete Spearhead Newspaper coverage:  Page 1   Page 2

For enlarged and complete Spearhead Newspaper coverage:  Page 1   Page 2

Text of President Ford's Speech
(with a great opening paragraph)
July 27, 1975


"It Is a very great privilege and pleasure for me to be here with you today, but before I begin I have two questions. The first question is: is it true that the tent over there is filled with good old German beer? Then, the second question is: what are we doing out here?

"I asked one soldier if he drank a lot of beer, and he said, 'Of course not, Sir.' The only trouble is - he then tried to blow the foam off his sauerkraut. But everyone of you is entitled to all the beer, sauerkraut and anything else provided today, after your two hard months of intensive field training at Grafenwoehr."

"As your Commander-in-Chief, I'm now issuing orders that tomorrow, Monday, all members of this brigade who participated in the maneuvers will be given an extra day off.

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