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to all
3rd Armored Division
WWII Association Members

From Walter Stitt, Association Secretray/Treasurer,
and Bill Ruth, Association President.
Date: September 20, 2012


A vote of the General Membership is now open for a proposed amendment described below to the 3rd Armored Division Constitution. Voting will remain open for 30 days or until October 20, 2012. Members can signify "yes" for passage or "no" for rejection by notifying Walter Stitt by way of e-mail, phone, fax, or written letter (which must be postmarked no later than October 20). An afirmative vote of a majority of the voting membership is required for passage.

Rev. Walter Stitt
P.O. Box 2346
South Bend, IN 46680
Phone: 574-291-3414
Fax: 574-291-2678


Proposed Amendment to the
3rd Armored Division Association


The reason for this proposed amendment is that our membership has dwindled through the passage of time, and the majority of our members are now in their 90's and most with health issues that prevent carrying out their full duties. Among those duties is the maintaining of a strong and vibrant Association and its corporate entity. Surely the membership does not want the Association to fade into any kind of dysfunction and oblivion. Under the current Association Constitution, the Board Members and Officers of the Association, as well as its corporate officers, are limited to Regular Members of the Association, all of whom are required to be Spearhead World War II veterans.

This proposed amendment would allow family members of those veterans to become Regular Members of the Association with full voting rights as well as the right to be elected to the Board of the Association and to any and all corporate positions. There are sons and daughters ready and willing to assume many duties that would perpetuate this great Association and the Spearhead legacy. Three most worthy family members that the Board would immediately consider for Regular Membership, to include election to the Board and to corporate roles, are Col. Olin Findley Brewster, Paul Muenchow, and Gary Edmondson.

The proposed new amendment, which would become "Amendment 17", reads as follows:

Amendment 17: Pursuit to the original Article III, Section 1, sub-section "c", and to the subsequent amendment to that sub-section as described under Article XVI:

Sub-section "c" is hereby amended to read as follows in its entirety: Regular Membership can be granted to any family member of a Third Armored Division veteran who served during the periods described in Section 1, sub-sections "a" and "b". The aforementioned granting is achieved by a two-thirds affirmative vote by the Board of Governors. "Family Member" is defined as a relative by birth or marriage or adoption, to include, but not limited to, a wife, son, grandson, daughter, granddaughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or cousin. As a Regular Member, a Family Member has full voting rights as well as the right to serve on the Board of Governors or in any corporate position if duly elected. As distinctly separate from a Regular Membership, an "Honorary Membership" or "Associate Membership" can be awarded to any person, regardless of any World War II or family connection, by a two-thirds vote of the Board, but such membership shall not include voting rights or service on the Board or in a corporate position. [End of amendment]

For historical reference in considering the above proposed Amendment 17:

ARTICLE III [the original]:

Section 1. Classes of Members The Association shall have two classes of members. The designation of such classes and the qualifications of the members of such classes shall be as follows: a Regular member shall be;
(a) Any person assigned, or attached individually or through a unit to the Third Armored Division during April 15, 1941 to November 10, 1945, while the Division was overseas;
(b) Any person who was assigned or attached for at least 30 days during the aforementioned period while the Division was not overseas; and
(c) Any person who served one year with the Third Armored Division subsequent to July 15, 1947, provided such person shall submit his application in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer of the association accompanied by his current dues. Honorary members shall be elected by the Board of Governors. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Governors shall be required for election. Life Members, with the same qualifications and voting rights as a Regular Member.

Amendments to the Constitution:

[Note: the above first sentence of Article III, Section 1, sub-section "c" was deleted at the 1979 reunion of the Association, thus disallowing non-WWII veterans of the Third Armored Division to be Regular Members of the
Association while leaving open a second type of membership: Honorary Members. That deletion read as follows:]

Article III. Section 1 (c). This was deleted from the constitution. It read: any person who served one year with the Third Armored Division subsequent to July 15, 1947, provided such person shall submit his application in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer of the association accompanied by his current dues. [End]

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