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May 23 - June 2, 1945


May 23, 1945: The main topic of conversation at present is the point system which will determine who gets to go home first. You get a point for each month you have been in the service, plus a point for each month you were overseas. In addition you get bonus points if you received the bronze star, silver star, or purple heart. So far, four men from Service Company are homeward bound. A few more will follow shortly. Many of these guys have been in the Service for close to five years and overseas for two years. I'm quite satisfied with the number of points I have. Up to May 12th, the deadline for the point system, I have thirty months in service, eleven months overseas, five campaign stars, and twenty bonus points for combat. That gives me sixty-six points. The average service company buddy has about eighty-five. They have been in the Service longer and overseas longer.

I am informed by Lale that my letters are no longer being censored. We can now tell where we are. A guy will feel more at ease about what to say. As I look at today's date, I recall that one year ago today I was leaving my home in Geistown, saying my final farewells as I left for overseas.

It is interesting to witness the defeated German soldier returning to his hometown. Yesterday, about one hundred German soldiers returned to their homes here in Gross Gerau. It irks us to see these once "supermen" who we consider defeated, walking around in uniform being free to do what they want, and here we are the conquerors still living a rather regimented life NOT being able to go home. The house next to us has a former German P.W. who came home last night. It seems funny that these same guys that tried to kill us, and we them, are now walking around not molesting each other. Just another quirk of war.

June 1, 1945: One year ago I boarded the big troop ship "U.S.S. Mount Vernon" in Boston Harbor and on June 2, set sail for England. The questions on my mind were: "Where are we going?" "What will I experience?" "Where will I be a year from now?". Well, here it is, one year later and I've seen plenty, and experienced much. The questions are now answered. I thank the Good Lord that He has spared me, so that I am able to write this.

Just like it was a year ago looking to the future. The next few months I may have the wonderful feeling of putting my foot on U.S. soil once again. Probably, not for long, however, as this outfit is definitely slated for the Pacific. I will worry about that later. I just look forward to going home.

June 2, 1945: Just got word today that I have been approved a week furlough to go to Paris. I am to leave June 4th.

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