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Part of the Book's Production Team in 1945-46:


to the new Digital Version of "Spearhead in the West"

This conversion of the original, hard-copy text of "Spearhead in the West" to digital web-text was completed in November, 2004, by Staff, 3rd Armored Division History Website. In this Digital Version, each Chapter is presented on its own single web page, which displays the text of multiple book pages. Each Chapter is easily searchable (using a browser's "find" feature) and printable.

For ease of navigation through each Chapter, a number of non-original, brief sub-headings have been added to allow for a Chapter Index. The book's original narrative, side articles, and data tables remain intact, while reformatted for web-page display. The only original text from the book that is not included in this Digital Version are brief photo captions and hand-drawn text within the book's illustrations.

as published verbatim on the book's dust jacket:

The assigning of proper credits for production of SPEARHEAD IN THE WEST comes very near to being an impossible task. The book was actually produced by many enlisted men and officers of the 3rd Armored Division. It was compiled, chiefly, from the official records of battle, from the files of Division G-2 and G-3 sections. Unit correspondents submitted human interest material and historical sketches for this book, and the files of Division public relations press-copy yielded up much of the narrative.

Brigadier Generals Doyle O. Hickey and Truman E. Boudinot sponsored the work. Colonel John A. Smith, Jr., Chief of Staff, helped to write certain sections of it. Lt. Colonel Andrew Barr's G-2 section, and Lt. Colonel Wesley A. Sweat's G-3, contributed every possible assistance. The work of public relations officer, Major Haynes W. Dugan, was used freely throughout.

Of the actual compilation, Sgt. Glen Davison supervised production and layout; the popular narrative was written by Sgt. Frank Woolner; Major Murray H. Fowler authored the very accurate G-3 battle history supplement; artists Cpl. John Garner and Pfc Harry Meth supplied expert illustrations; and draftsman, T/Sgt. Robert MacHose, was employed throughout. Photo credits go chiefly to the United States Signal Corps and to Cpl. Marvin Mischnick, division photographer.

SPEARHEAD IN THE WEST was written at Darmstadt, Germany, during the division's immediate post-war occupation of that city.

[Webmaster's Note in 2004: As an expansion of the 1946 "Spearhead in the West," see the "The 3rd Armored Division Saga in WWII" in the Haynes Dugan section on this website's WWII Index. Compiled in the late 1980's, LTC Dugan's "Saga" includes perspectives and details not available at the time of the 1945-46 book project.]

as published on page 260 of the book:

This book is an official project of the Third Armored Division, published under authority contained in Sec. V, ETOUSA Cir. 86, 25 June 1945, and mailed in accordance with the provisions of Postal Circular No. 38, Hq, U.S. Forces, European Theatre (Rear), 11 Oct 1945.

as published on page 260 of the book:

Type set by:
Franz Jos. Henrich
Druckerei und Yerlag
Frankfurt am Main - Schwanheim
Hans Trendel
Frankfurt am Main

Offset reproduction:
F. Guhl & Co., Graphische Kunstanstalt und Klischeefabrik
Frankfurt am Main

Offset printing:
Kunst und Werbedruck
Frankfurt am Main

H. Wennberg G.m.b.H., Gross-Buchbinderei
Stuttgart - W

Franz Jos. Henrich, Druckerei und Verlag
Frankfurt am Main-Schwanheim

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